Understanding as Cognitive Procedure in the Humanities: Historical and Philosophical Analysis
Romaschenko Maria Alexandrovna, Romaschenko Alexandr Alexandrovich
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Submitted: 14.07.2020
Abstract. The study aims to identify ontological and epistemological foundations of understanding as a cognitive procedure in the humanities. The article states that historical and philosophical interpretations of "understanding being" play a significant part not only for the discourse of the humanities research but also for a wide range of modern scientific knowledge. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that ontological and epistemological foundations of understanding are determined by using the methodology of the historical and philosophical discourse. As a result, it is concluded that modern science is witnessing a paradigm shift in defining knowledge, which is exploratory in nature and, ethically, should be expertised. It is the status, in which a cognising subject is projected as "understanding being".
Key words and phrases: история философии, гуманитарные науки, герменевтика, смысл, понимание, history of philosophy, humanities, hermeneutics, meaning, understanding
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