Siberian Avant-garde in Art: Analysing N. D. Gritsuk’s Influence on E. I. Konkov’s Creative Work
Konkov Illarion Evgen’evich
Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television
Submitted: 25.05.2020
Abstract. The study aims to assess the impact the artist N. D. Gritsuk had on E. I. Konkov’s creative work. Although the subject of the Siberian art of the 1950-1970s has been thoroughly studied in the Russian art criticism, creative work of a whole number of modern artists, whose personal style has developed under the influence of the Siberian avant-garde, remains barely covered by researchers. In this respect, scientific novelty of the study lies in reviewing E. I. Konkov’s creative work and drawing conclusions related to changes in his creative worldview, his understanding of art essence, as well as in his personal style under the influence of the Siberian artist N. D. Gritsuk. As a result of the research, it has been demonstrated, using E. I. Konkov’s artwork "Silver Age" as an example, how the artist’s worldview and style changed, influenced by N. D. Gritsuk’s personality and creative work.
Key words and phrases: Евгений Илларионович Коньков, Николай Демьянович Грицюк, искусство Новосибирска 1950-1970-х гг, художники Сибири, авангардное искусство второй половины ХХ века, Evgeny Illarionovich Konkov, Nikolai Demyanovich Gritsuk, Novosibirsk art of the 1950-1970s, Siberian artists, avant-garde art of the second half of the XX century
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