Molchanova Lyudmila Anatolyevna
Udmurt State University
Submitted: 28.05.2020
Abstract. The article aims to single out characteristic features of postmodernity and to trace how they are reflected in a contemporary’s appearance and fashion designers’ creative work. The author introduces the notion "body image" as a total of the body’s covers and plasticity. A relevant body image is socially conditioned and therefore studying social processes, characteristic states of our contemporaneity is important for fashion creators. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author for the first time sets a task to analyze a contemporary’s body image as a reaction to the changed epoch. Using the notion "body image" itself in this context is new as well. The researcher is the first to make an attempt to correlate postmodernity’s characteristic features with fashion designers’ creative work. As a result, a number of characteristic features of postmodernity as mental specificity of our times are revealed and their manifestation in a contemporary’s fashionable appearance and avant-garde designers’ creative work is vividly shown.
Key words and phrases: телесный образ, постмодерн, мода, тотальный плюрализм, деконструкция, body image, postmodernity, fashion, total pluralism, deconstruction
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