Interaction of Cultures in the Context of Conflict-Consensual Processes
Ovchinnikova Tat'yana Maratovna
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 21.04.2020
Abstract. The study aims to provide an insight into the influence a person’s cultural background has on their behaviour in a conflict. The article describes features, which differentiate cultures. Interconnection of dynamics of a conflict and cultural background of its participants is substantiated. The way in which cultural background of parties to a conflict should be taken into consideration during its regulation is revealed. The research is novel in that it conducts a comprehensive analysis of the influence the needs and cultural background of subjects involved in a conflict have on formation of the conflict situation image and the choice of a particular behavioural strategy. The attained results have shown that it is impossible to make a step from confrontation to a constructive dialogue without taking into account opponents’ cultural background.
Key words and phrases: культура, конфликт, коммуникация в конфликте, стратегии поведения в конфликте, регулирование конфликта, culture, conflict, conflict communication, conflict behavioural strategies, conflict regulation
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