Perception of Time and Space by the Soviet Intellectuals of the 1970s
Rudakova Irina Viktorovna
Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology
Submitted: 28.05.2020
Abstract. The study aims to reconstruct a chronotope model peculiar to the Soviet intellectuals in the 70s of the XX century. The article sheds light on the main features of time and space perception: their typological characteristics, development in social consciousness. A strong link between the two dimensions is traced and demonstrated. Scientific novelty of the research lies in its very aim: mentality of the Soviet intellectuals of the 1970s is considered for the first time. As a result, a chronotope model has been proposed; it has been also proved that interdependence of time and space derives from the three-part structure they share.
Key words and phrases: советская интеллигенция, время, пространство, картина мира, хронотоп, Soviet intellectuals, time, space, worldview, chronotope
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