Ecological Consciousness in the Light of Dialectics of the Natural and the Artificial
Valiullina Zaynab Rakhimyanovna, Lukjanov Arkadiy Viktorovich, Pushkareva Marina Alekseevna
Bashkir State University
Submitted: 14.05.2020
Abstract. The article analyses ecological consciousness in the context of dialectics of the natural and the artificial. The authors explore I. Kant’s fourth antinomy and conclude on the necessary existence of "Being", or Universal Mind. Ecological consciousness should develop on the principles of beauty, harmony of universal and human elements. The study focuses on analysing dialectics of the natural and the artificial with a view to develop the concept "ecological consciousness", which deals with human habitat. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that ecological consciousness is considered taking into account I. Kant’s fourth antinomy. The conclusion is made that a human being enters the era of artificial intelligence.
Key words and phrases: экологическое сознание, диалектика естественного и искусственного, четвертая антиномия И. Канта, проблема взаимоотношения души и тела, дом человека, ecological consciousness, dialectics of the natural and the artificial, I. Kant’s fourth antinomy, problem of soul and body interrelation, human habitat
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