Landing at Latoshinka - Tragic and Heroic Page of the Battle of Stalingrad
Opalev Maksim Nikolaevich
Volzhsk Polytechnic Institute (Branch) of Volgograd State Technical University
Submitted: 28.04.2020
Abstract. The article aims to identify specificity of organizing the Red Army’s landing operations by the example of a distracting operation to the north of Stalingrad. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the author analyses the combatants’ organizational-administrative documentation describing the Soviet commandos fight with the Wehrmacht troops. The researcher’s attention is focused on the following issues: the Soviet commandos training, strength, armament; the battalion’s operations to seize and hold the bridgehead on the western bank of the Volga River and an operation to extract the remaining troops from their encirclement. Specificity of the commando battalion’s interaction with other corps, in particular, with the Volga fleet, is revealed.
Key words and phrases: Вторая мировая война, Сталинградская битва, десантное судно, форсирование реки, десантная операция, плацдарм, стрелковая дивизия, безвозвратные потери, The Second World War, Battle of Stalingrad, landing ship, river crossing, landing operation, bridgehead, rifle division, mortality
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