Missionary Work as Conditioning Factor of Religious Cult in Orthodox Worldview
Nazaryan Artem Levaevich
Saratov State University
Submitted: 18.04.2020
Abstract. The study aims to analyse the place and purpose of the mission in a religious cult through the lens of the Orthodox worldview. In order to achieve this, the article considers the biblical doctrine of the essential foundations of the missionary work phenomenon. The research is novel in that this phenomenon is explicated using not only the texts of the New Testament but also those of the Old Testament. The attained results have shown that, despite differences in the mission representation in both the Testaments, its meaning is the same, consisting in generations-eyewitnesses of certain divine events and miracles passing their continuous testimony about the God as true beginning of all the things down to the next generations. A religious cult without the mission is pointless as it loses its original connection to the first beginning whereas the formation of missiology is associated with researching the image of Holy Wisdom as beginning of the God’s way.
Key words and phrases: миссиология, сущность миссии, ветхозаветная миссия, миссионерство, свидетельство, христианство, теология, великое поручение, Премудрость Божья, missiology, mission essence, Old Testament mission, missionary work, testimony, Christianity, theology, Great Commission, Holy Wisdom
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