Annexation of the Crimea by Catherine the Great as a Way of Solving the State’s Historical Tasks in the Second Half of the XVIII Century
Zherebkin Mikhail Vasil'evich
Humanities and Education Science (Branch) Academy of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Submitted: 03.03.2020
Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the reasons on account of which Catherine the Great made a decision to annex the Crimea in April of 1783. The author examines the circumstances under which Russia was objectively bound to access the Black Sea coast and annex the Crimean Peninsula that allowed establishing the southern border within its natural boundaries. The annexation of the Crimean Peninsula offered new opportunities of developing trade relations with Europe, as well as protecting the state in the south and increasing its prominence in the Black Sea region.
Key words and phrases: Екатерина II, Г. А. Потемкин, Крымское ханство, русско-турецкие войны, Кючук-Кайнарджийский мир, Ясский мирный договор, Catherine the Great, Grigory Potemkin, Crimean Khanate, Russo-Turkish wars, treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji, treaty of Jassy
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