"Performer’s Request" for One-Hand Piano Compositions
Rokitskaya Polina Viktorovna
Tambov State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov
Submitted: 13.03.2020
Abstract. The article analyses piano compositions written at the request of the Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein, Czech pianist Otakar Hollmann and Saratov musician Tamaz Zurabovich Dzhegnaradze. Objects of the research are one-hand piano compositions commissioned by the pianists who had undergone severe ordeals. The researcher considers history of creation and peculiarities of one-hand piano compositions. The research findings can be used while teaching the discipline "History and Theory of Piano Performance".
Key words and phrases: инструментальная музыка, фортепианные произведения для одной руки, концертный жанр, П. Витгенштейн, О. Гольманн, Е. В. Гохман, Т. З. Джегнарадзе, instrumental music, one-hand piano compositions, concert genre, P. Wittgenstein, O. Hollmann, E. V. Gokhman, T. Z. Dzhegnaradze
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