Tuliganova Irina Valer'evna
"Voskhod" Branch of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) in Baikonur
Submitted: 26.02.2020
Abstract. The article considers urban tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon. The researcher’s attention is focused on identifying peculiarities of cities social-spatial planning, which are elements of their tourist attractiveness. It is shown that branding strategies can help to attract investments and tourist flows required for urban development. By the example of the small town Baikonur, the author examines specific features of sociocultural space that influence tourist activity and the city image.
Key words and phrases: городское пространство, социокультурное пространство, город, городской туризм, идентичность, бренд, суббренд, urban space, sociocultural space, city, urban tourism, identity, brand, sub-brand
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