Protective and Rational-Transformational Activity as a Factor of Preservation and Reproduction of Biosphere
Smirnov Sergei Vladimirovich
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 11.03.2020
Abstract. The author of the article describes the basic trends of the human’s protective and rational-transformational activity realization: organizing specially protected natural territories, using energy and resource saving technologies. Emphasizing positive shifts in this sphere, the researcher concludes that traditional consumer attitude in thinking and activity hampers global environmental efforts aimed at preservation and rational use of natural goods.
Key words and phrases: биосфера, природа, ресурсосбережение, рекультивация, особо охраняемые природные территории, экологические системы, biosphere, nature, resource saving, recultivation, specially protected natural territories, ecological systems
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