Russian Reminiscences of Kant’s Philosophy: P. A. Florensky
An Svetlana Andreevna, Nesterov Vitalii Igorevich
Altai State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 17.12.2019
Abstract. The article analyses reminiscences of Kant’s philosophy in creative heritage of the Russian thinker P. A. Florensky. The researchers’ attention is focused on Florensky’s multidimensional interpretation of Kant’s philosophical conceptions, gnoseological and religious views. Analysing works of the Russian and German thinkers, the paper identifies similarities and differences in their approaches to philosophical problems. The paper contributes to the existing studies of Florensky’s and Kant’s philosophical heritage, and therein lies its scientific originality. In conclusion, the authors summarize the research findings on the problem of the German thinker’s theoretical influence on the Russian philosophical culture.
Key words and phrases: Кант, Флоренский, русская философия, антиномия, Абсолют, религия, духовное наследие, разум, I. Kant, P. A. Florensky, Russian philosophy, antinomy, Absolute, religion, spiritual heritage, reason
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