On Fear, Freedom and Love: Philosophical Apologetics of Christian Ethics
Khomelev Gennadii Vladimirovich, Khomeleva Ramona Aleksandrovna
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Submitted: 15.02.2020
Abstract. The article examines philosophical foundations of Christian ethics as they are represented in human subjective states, the feelings of guilt, fear, despair, freedom and love, which allows new religious and philosophical understanding of the nature and meaning of Christian faith, its ideals of love and freedom. The authors justify the thesis that the human is the only living being capable to abandon his will and just through this ultimate freedom he rises above the mortal world committing himself to the Creator of All Things.
Key words and phrases: человек, воля, неведение, вина, невинность, страх, отчаяние, любовь, свобода, Бог, human, will, ignorance, guilt, innocence, fear, despair, love, freedom, God
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