Osintseva Nadezhda Vladimirovna
Industrial University of Tyumen
Submitted: 11.02.2020
Abstract. The article aims to examine the posture phenomenon in the aspect of anthropological ontology. The human’s somatic culture is a manifestation of their spirituality. It is shown that posture represents the human’s social identity and spirit of the epoch. The body’s spatial location is a manifestation of knowledge, grace, charisma, freedom. Posture not only represents the individual’s culture but determines their self-perception and social perception. The individual assimilates values depending on their level of somatic involvement in the community’s culture.
Key words and phrases: эстетика, этика, осанка, телесность, танец, свобода, социальная идентичность, aesthetics, ethics, posture, corporeality, dance, freedom, social identity
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