European Safety in the Context of Russia-NATO Relations in the Black Sea Region in the Post-Bipolar Period
Smaglo Pavel Nikolaevich, Shasheva Susanna Vladimirovna
Kuban State University
Submitted: 12.12.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the problem of forming the safety system in the Black Sea region after the USSR breakdown and its influence on Russia-NATO relations. The authors argue that restoration of Russia’s status as a big regional and global actor, including strengthening of its military power in the Black Sea region, has changed balance of power and provoked a conflict of interests. For the first time, the article suggests measures to stabilize Russia-NATO relations on the basis of equivalence of their military potentials in the Black Sea region.
Key words and phrases: европейская безопасность, Россия, НАТО, Черноморский регион, военный потенциал, постбиполярный период, European safety, Russia, NATO, Black Sea region, military potential, post-bipolar period
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