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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 2. P. 23-29.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Confessional Situation in Sevastopol at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries

Beloglazov Roman Nikolaevich, Osipovskii Semen Nikolaevich
Sevastopol State University

Submitted: 20.01.2020
Abstract. The article describes the basic trends and tendencies of the confessional situation in Sevastopol at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It is shown that in the mentioned period, the Russian Orthodox Church dominated in terms of the total number of believers and parishes, which is natural taking into account confessional and national affiliation of the majority of the citizens and the fact that Orthodoxy had support at the state level. At the same time, there existed a considerable number of religious communities of ethnical minorities and sects. Because of growing attention to the issues of confessional tolerance and right of conscience in the Russian Empire, the local authorities tried to create favourable conditions for their development, which contributed to the efficiency of national and confessional policy.
Key words and phrases: Севастополь, православие, ислам, иудаизм, караимы, римо-католики, лютеране, армяно-григориане, крымчаки, протестантизм, штундизм, Sevastopol, Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Crimean Karaites, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, believers of the Armenian Gregorian Church, Krymchaks, Protestantism, Stundism, Sevastopol, Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Crimean Karaites, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, believers of the Armenian Gregorian Church, Krymchaks, Protestantism, Stundism
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