Abstract. The article describes peculiarities of the ancient Egyptian calendar, in particular, insertion of five epagomenal days after twelve months. Using historical and mythological material from different periods the author examines differences between regular and epagomenal days, identifies possible date errors in a balance sheet of the late Ramesside period, where epagomenal days are not given in the end-of-year period, but in the period at the beginning of the year. The source study is based on the author’s translations of a large number of documents; fragments of the papyri Leiden I 346 and Cairo JE 86637 dating to the XIV-XIII centuries BC are provided in the supplement.
Key words and phrases: Древний Египет, календарь, эпагомены, миф, Рамсес II, Ancient Egypt, calendar, epagomenal days, myth, Ramses II
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