The Celtiberians in the Roman Army at the Germanic Frontier (Limes Germanicus)
Solov'yanov Nikolai Ivanovich, Batuzov Aleksei Anatol'evich
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev
Submitted: 09.01.2020
Abstract. The article analyses the role of the military units of the Spanish Celtiberian tribes in the Roman military structures at the Germanic frontier (Limes Germanicus) in the I-III centuries A.D. There is a lack of special historical works on this issue both in the world and domestic historiography. The guides mention briefly subsidiary units of the Roman army that were recruited in Spain. Seven subsidiary units of the Roman army that were formed in Asturias, the territory in the Province of Hispania Tarraconensis where the Celtiberians resided, were accommodated along the Germanic frontier (Limes Germanicus), in the provinces of Germania Inferior, Germania Superior, Raetia and Noricum.
Key words and phrases: римская армия, вспомогательные войска, ауксилиа, кельтиберы, рейнско-германский лимес, Нижняя Германия, Верхняя Германия, Реция, Норик, Roman army, subsidiary troops, auxilia, the Celtiberians, Limes Germanicus, Germania Inferior, Germania Superior, Raetia, Noricum
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