Genre Aspects of Performance Interpretation of F. Chopin’s Mazurkas
Reznikova Lidia Alexandrovna
Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
Submitted: 13.10.2020
Abstract. The study aims to provide an insight into genre aspects of performance interpretation of F. Chopin’s piano music using his mazurkas as an example. The author systematises the existing theoretical views on the genre specificity of the composer’s music adapting them to performance tasks. Scientific novelty of the study lies in analysing Chopin’s mazurkas through the lens of the genre approach to their interpretation. As a result, it was proved that the genre peculiarities of the mazurkas’ musical text correlate with the process of interpretation, which is based on comprehension of all the genre and semantic levels of a work, from the basic features of dance as a primary genre to the immanent poly-genre nature of Chopin’s thematic invention.
Key words and phrases: Ф. Шопен, мазурка, жанр, полижанровость, исполнительская интерпретация, F. Chopin, mazurka, genre, poly-genre nature, performance interpretation
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