Consumerization as Dominant Tendency in Post-Industrial Society
Sabirov Askadula Galimzyanovich, Sabirova Lilya Andreyevna
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 14.11.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to develop mechanisms for overcoming negative consequences of consumerization as a dominant tendency in the forming post-industrial society. The article identifies objective causes of consumerization, analyses its positive and negative aspects, suggests recommendations to overcome negative influence of consumerization on a human being. The authors justify the thesis on global nature and controllability of the consumerization process; reveal its essential features and specificity of manifestation, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. Relying on the findings, the researchers conclude that the modern post-industrial society focuses on consumerism.
Key words and phrases: консьюмеризация, человек, потребление, потребительство, постиндустриальное общество, consumerization, human being, consumption, consumerism, post-industrial society
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