Evolution of Alexander Zhurbin’s Musical Theatre: From "Orpheus and Eurydice" to "Love’s Metamorphoses"
Matusevich Alexander Petrovich
Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after M. L. Matusovsky
Submitted: 15.08.2020
Abstract. In his 40 years of creative search in musical theatre, the composer Alexander Zhurbin has worked his way from zong/rock operas and musicals to grand operas of academic variety. The purpose of the study is to characterise evolution of creative work, the author’s aesthetics in the context of philosophical consideration of culturological shifts, to identify its stages. The work focuses on studying the very first musical-theatrical opus of the composer and his latest work, which shows qualitative changes in the method and aesthetics. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in scientific literature, twelve works created by A. Zhurbin for musical theatre are considered, their genre is determined according to the composer himself and also taking into account theatre practice. As a result, six definitive operas and six opuses falling between genres and combining features of opera and different types of musical are identified.
Key words and phrases: музыкальный театр, мюзикл, опера, эстетика музыкального театра, философия оперы, musical theatre, musical, opera, aesthetics of musical theatre, philosophy of opera
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