Features of Higher Medical Education Formation in the Far East in the 1950-1970s
Trifonova Galina Aleksandrovna
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University
Submitted: 29.10.2020
Abstract. The study aims to analyse features of medical higher school formation in the Amur region, Primorsky Territory and to consider Khabarovsk Medical Institute work in the 1950-1970s from this perspective. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying regional archival documents, which have not been introduced into scientific use yet. The author has carried out an analysis of general trends and distinctive features of creation and functioning of new medical institutes of higher education. The use of the biographical method has made it possible to study not only professional but also personal skills of healthcare administrators, renowned professors and associate professors of the Far Eastern medical institutes of higher education. As a result, their areas of activity related to medical personnel training are identified and analysed. The contributions made by regional heads of healthcare departments, rectors, teachers, research institutions and medical higher school of the USSR to development of material and technical base of medical institutes of higher education in Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk are characterised. Specificity of the pedagogical and research activity undertaken by the staff of the Far Eastern medical institutes is revealed.
Key words and phrases: Дальний Восток, высшее медицинское образование, подготовка медицинских кадров, Far East, higher medical education, medical personnel training
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