Beauty as Aesthetic Category through the Prism of Social Constructivism and Feminist Philosophy
Moskalenko Daria Nikolayevna
Southern Federal University
Submitted: 11.10.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify specificity of the "beauty" category representation in the modern West European society within the framework of social constructivism and feminist philosophy. Scientific originality of the study involves analysing the key aesthetic category "beauty" in the context of post-non-classical constructivism and modern feminist discourse. The research findings are as follows: the author considers historical-philosophical and sociocultural aspects of the "beauty" category development, analyses the mechanisms to construct social reality in the aesthetic sphere, examines prerequisites for the origin of "beauty myth" and justifies the thesis that feminist philosophy and constructivism regard beauty as nothing more than a "social construct", not an objective phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: красота, миф о красоте, философия феминизма, социальный конструктивизм, beauty, beauty myth, feminist philosophy, social constructivism
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