Questionnaires of Participants of the First Cultural-National Meeting of 1926 as Sources on History of the Buryat Language
Vanchikova Tsymzhit Purbuevna, Rinchinova Oyuna Sanzhimitupovna, Ayusheeva Marina Vasil’evna
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 08.09.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to reveal the motives the participants of the first Cultural-National Meeting of 1926 were guided by when adopting a course towards the all-Mongolian cultural community (the decision that determined further development of the Buryat language), to present a sociocultural portrait of the Buryat intelligentsia. The authors analyse the participants’ questionnaires paying special attention to personal information (occupation, social origin, educational level, language competence), which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: relying on the conducted analysis, the authors identify the role of the first Cultural-National Meeting in the process of the Buryat people’s self-identification, consider the participants’ motives for choosing the written Mongolian language as a basic dialect of the newly created Republic.
Key words and phrases: интеллигенция, культурно-национальное совещание 1926 г, языковая политика, социальный портрет, историческое развитие бурятского языка, intelligentsia, Cultural-National Meeting of 1926, language policy, social portrait, historical development of the Buryat language
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