History of the Kyrgyz National Instruments Reconstruction in the State Orchestra named after Karamoldo Orozov
Turumbaeva Cholpon Mukashovna
Kyrgyz State University of Culture and Arts named after B. Beyshenalieva
Submitted: 18.08.2020
Abstract. The paper describes history of the Kyrgyz national instruments reconstruction in the State Orchestra named after Karamoldo Orozov. The article traces the process of reconstruction and modernization of the Kyrgyz national instruments, justifies the necessity to organize the orchestra’s concert activity, emphasizes the role of the Russian musicians and conductors in formation of the Kyrgyz National Instruments Orchestra. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher summarizes performing experience of the Orozov Orchestra at the early stage of its formation. The research findings are as follows: the author proves that the Kyrgyz National Instruments Orchestra formation is closely associated with the process of musical instruments reconstruction.
Key words and phrases: оркестр, кыргызские народные инструменты, исполнительский опыт, комуз, кыяк, репертуар, orchestra, Kyrgyz national instruments, performing experience, komuz, kyyak, repertoire
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