Ecologization of Communication amidst "Anthropological Catastrophe"
Lobova Tat'yana Gennad'evna, Razhina Natal'ya Yur'evna, Makovetskaya Elena Nikolaevna
Omsk State Medical University
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Branch) in Omsk
Submitted: 07.04.2020
Abstract. The study aims to conduct a philosophical analysis of the idea of "ecological communication" underlying the modern model of communication. Ecologization is understood as a form of "nonviolent communication", which makes communication process most effective for all the participants. However, the authors think that this standpoint should be complemented by the philosophical and anthropological approach emphasising existential conditionality of communication. Problematizing "ecological communication" in relation to the informative and deep levels of communication, the authors believe that scientific novelty of their work lies in determining ambiguity of communication ecologization, contradiction between it and a person’s existential self-determination, which is a result of dialectic correlation between individualisation and joint participation. The attained results have shown that technologization of communication process and change in the modern individual’s attitudes to social existence make it possible to detail situations of interpersonal interaction, in which ecological communication does exhibit its relevance and usefulness acting as a form of adaptation to the conditions of new communication environment.
Key words and phrases: экологизация, индивидуализация, экологичное общение, "антропологическая катастрофа", ecologization, individualisation, ecological communication, "anthropological catastrophe"
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