Forensic Ethics and Professional Ethics: Problem of Differentiation
Masleev Andrey Germanovich
Ural State Law University
Submitted: 17.08.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify subject areas when teaching professional ethics at juridical higher school. Within the framework of the dialectic approach, the author justifies necessity to differentiate the lawyer’s professional ethics and forensic ethics as interrelated but relatively autonomous sciences. Scientific originality of the study involves a renewed interpretation of A. F. Koni’s theoretical provisions that allow differentiating the lawyer’s professional ethics as itself and ethics of the lawyer’s professional environment. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies subject areas that differ in content and functional orientation and argues that the appropriate content should be adequately represented at different levels of juridical training.
Key words and phrases: профессиональная этика юриста, судебная этика, предметные границы, преподавание профессиональной этики, lawyer’s professional ethics, forensic ethics, subject area boundaries, teaching professional ethics
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