Formation and Development of Credit Cooperatives in Siberia at the Beginning of the XX Century
Bocharova Tatyana Anatolievna
Altai State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 23.08.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the factors that determined specificity of institutional development of credit cooperatives in Siberia at the beginning of the XX century. The author identifies the stages of credit cooperatives development, reveals peculiarities of this process, analyses the factors that influenced the Siberian credit cooperatives’ activity at the beginning of the XX century. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author provides a comprehensive analysis of the problem, introduces previously unpublished archival documents and materials of pre-revolutionary periodicals into scientific circulation. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies the geographical, economic, political, legal and administrative factors that influenced development of credit cooperatives in Siberia at the beginning of the XX century.
Key words and phrases: союзы кредитной кооперации, инспекция по делам мелкого кредита, Сибирь, начало ХХ в, credit cooperatives, Inspectorate of Small Credit, Siberia, beginning of the XX century
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