The Tatar Mullahs’ Wills and Distribution of Parishioners’ Inheritance according to the Canons of Muslim Law in the Middle Volga Region at the End of the XIX - the Beginning of the XX Century
Malikov Rashid Il’yazovich
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 21.09.2019
Abstract. Relying on archival sources, the article for the first time examines wills of the Tatar Muslim clergy representatives and analyses the procedure of parishioners’ inheritance distribution according to Islamic canons. The author provides examples from mullahs’ practice, puts an emphasis on the tradition to make wills, a common phenomenon in the Tatar culture in the pre-revolutionary period. The paper reveals principles of the Muslim law (as it differs from the civil law) concerning inheritance distribution that were applied to the Russian Muslims in the Russian Empire.
Key words and phrases: муллы, прихожане, имущество, завещание, раздел наследства, mullahs, parishioners, property, will, inheritance distribution
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