Consciousness Technicalization Problem in Philosophical Thought: Origins and Effects
Kovalev Dmitrii Viktorovich, Tyapin Igor' Nikiforovich
Vologda State University
Submitted: 08.12.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to analysing the bibliography of the problem of technicalization of individual and public consciousness within the framework of the basic trends of philosophical thought of the Early Modern and Modern Periods including materiallism and idealism, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, existentialism, post-structuralism, trans-humanism, etc. in the context of studying the key issues of ontology and civilization evolution. The authors reveal the content of the concept "consciousness technicalization" and trace evolution in philosophical-theoretical understanding of the technicalization problem, from the mechanistic approach where the emphasis is on dominance towards interpreting a wide spectrum of trends and manifestations of technicalization and revealing a potential of technicalization of different spheres, levels and forms of consciousness and psyche. The conclusions are made that the bibliography of the problem basically covers the following issues: tendencies for correlation of technicalization and value relativization processes, fatalistic recognition of their inevitability, considering an average individual as a simulation object of consciousness.
Key words and phrases: история философии, онтология, техносфера, постиндустриальное общество, технизация сознания, искусственный интеллект, ценностная релятивизация, трансформация человека, history of philosophy, ontology, techno-sphere, post-industrial society, technicalization of consciousness, artificial intellect, value relativization, transformation of human being
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