Chernilovskii Artem Aleksandrovich
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev (Branch) in Karachev
Submitted: 03.06.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the predictions of the future world war made by the Soviet publicist Ernst Henri in the middle of the 1930s. There is an opinion that this Soviet author with supposedly amazing accuracy predicted the upcoming war. The paper concludes that this opinion is false; actually, Ernst Henri’s predictions hardly corresponded with the actual course of the Second World War. The Soviet publicist claimed that the Red Army would quickly and easily defeat the fascists within their territory. Henry believed that as soon as the war began the German working class and soldiers would raise a revolution, which would sweep away Hitler’s regime.
Key words and phrases: прогнозы, фашистская армия, социалистическая армия, французские укрепления, теория Дуэ, авиация, промышленность, географический фактор, пролетарская революция, predictions, fascist army, socialist army, French fortifications, Douhet’s doctrine, aviation, industry, geographical factor, proletarian revolution
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