Ryabtsev Sergei Viktorovich, Kirillov Pavel Evgen'evich
Dubna State University
Submitted: 27.05.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the functioning and reproduction of mythological conceptions establishing idealized life activity models in social consciousness. The authors point out that comfortable social interaction implemented by means of temporal transformations of mythologies is achieved through cognitive and factological extension of social reality. The time factor role in the process of actual mythology formation is identified. The paper introduces the conception of a visible, visual myth implemented in social practices and concludes about the considerable role of temporally organized social mythology in the process of reproducing social relations.
Key words and phrases: социальный миф, темпоральность, перцептуальное время, концептуальное время, видимый миф, картина реальности, social myth, temporality, perceptual time, conceptual time, visible myth, picture of reality
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