Abstract. The article analyses the activity of Workers-and-Peasants’ Inspectorate regional structures in Karachay and Circassia (from 1922 - united Karachay-Circassia) in 1921-1926. The author identifies the basic activity trends of this supervisory body, describes actual achievements within each of them. It is shown that in the mentioned period, the regional inspectorate was basically engaged in supervising the economic activity of state bodies, institutions and organizations, consequently, the task of defending citizens’ interests lost its relevance. The paper reveals the basic factors that negatively affected the efficiency of the regional inspectorate activity and shows the interaction of Workers-and-Peasants’ Inspectorate with regional party bodies, other authoritative structures and agencies.
Key words and phrases: советская власть, Карачай, Черкесия, Рабоче-крестьянская инспекция, ревизии, проверки, борьба со взяточничеством, бюро жалоб, бюрократизм, Soviet power, Karachay, Circassia, Workers-and-Peasants’ Inspectorate, revisions, inspections, struggle against bribery, Complaints and Compliances, bureaucracy
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