RETRACTED 06.11.2020
The article is retracted on the author's request.
Shizhenskii Roman Vital'evich, Zhbannikov Sergei Viktorovich
Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 13.05.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the characteristic features of a staff as an example of sacral paraphernalia of the modern Russian paganism on the basis of narrative sources and interview materials. The research of the specific peculiarities of the ritual object of the ministers of religion allows drawing several conclusions. Firstly, the mythologeme of a staff is illustrated by the associative series: staff is a world tree, presence of mandatory "personal" connection between the owner and the subject. Secondly, the manufacture and use of a staff is associated with a number of "canonical prescriptions" aimed at the item sacralization and tabooing. Thirdly, the modern interpretation of a staff by "Slavic native faith" fits into the general system of the pagan "newspeak" and is characterised by a complex of re-mythologization discourses.
Key words and phrases: русское язычество XXI века, новые религиозные движения, посох, волхвы, сакральный атрибут, обряд, Russian paganism of the XXI century, new religious movements, staff, sorcerers, sacral attribute, rite
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