Khachatryan Lilit Vachaganovna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Submitted: 25.04.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the main approaches to the identity phenomenon understanding. The notion "identity" is analysed from the perspective of philosophy, psychology and sociology, and the tendency common for these approaches to emphasise the crucial role of a subject and his identity in constructing the reality of the modern world is substantiated. Having considered the situation with the formation of the Russian identity, the author concludes that the main issue for the Russian researchers is correlation between state-civil and ethnic identities. The best solution of this issue is the "complementarity" paradigm, which creates a harmonious image of the modern Russian.
Key words and phrases: идентичность, базовая персональная структура, социальная идентичность, социальное конструирование реальности, государственно-гражданская идентичность, этническая идентичность, identity, basic personal structure, social identity, social construction of reality, state-civil identity, ethnic identity
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