Jawish Othman
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 15.04.2019
Abstract. The paper studies the problem of relation between faith and reason in the philosophy of Anselm of Canterbury. The notions of faith and reason are studied in connection with the debates on arguments for the existence of God in the medieval philosophical thought. The author considers dialectics of faith and reason and defines the concepts of faith and reason in the context of arguments for the existence of God in the philosophy of Anselm of Canterbury. The article analyses the specific nature of relation of faith and reason in Anselm’s doctrine. The possibility of synthesis of faith and reason as a means to perceive God in the philosophy of Anselm of Canterbury is considered.
Key words and phrases: концепт веры, концепт разума, соотношение веры и разума, доказательства бытия Бога, "онтологический аргумент", диалогичность, диалектика, синтез, Ансельм, Августин, concept of faith, concept of reason, faith and reason correlation, arguments for the existence of God, "ontological argument", dialogic nature, dialectics, synthesis, Anselm, Augustine
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