Abstract. The article analyses the concert and educational activity of the Ethnographic Section of the State Institute of Musical Science. The author introduces previously unknown information on concert performance of musical folklore in the period of 1921-1931. The paper describes the forms of concert performance including the following ones: concerts of folk performers from rural areas, folklore festivals organized by students and researchers, meetings in memory of musical culture personalities, cooperation with professional concert ensembles.
Key words and phrases: история музыкальной фольклористики, Государственный институт музыкальной науки (ГИМН), Этнографическая секция ГИМНа, концертное исполнение музыкального фольклора, аутентичность, А. В. Никольский, В. В. Пасхалов, М. Е. Пятницкий, П. Г. Ярков, history of musical folkloristics, State Institute of Musical Science, Ethnographic Section of State Institute of Musical Science, concert performance of musical folklore, authenticity, A. V. Nikolsky, V. V. Paskhalov, M. E. Pyatnitsky, P. G. Yarkov