Koryagina Tat’yana Olegovna
Transbaikal State University
Submitted: 15.02.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the problem of the "man - nature" dialogue in philosophy of Ancient China. It is shown that the ideas of harmonization of relations between a man and the nature are the flagship of the eastern philosophy representing the cornerstone of China’s philosophical and anthropological thought. The author attempts to identify and describe the characteristics of the "man - nature" dialogue in the Chinese philosophy, such as the correlation of a man and the nature at the spiritual and physical levels, as well as a man’s complete dependence on the nature, which is reflected in the people’s way of life, their habits and national peculiarities.
Key words and phrases: диалог "человек - природа", философия Древнего Китая, натурфилософия, конфуцианство, даосизм, dialogue "man - nature", Ancient Chinese philosophy, natural philosophy, Confucianism, Taoism
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