Kharlov Andrei Vladimirovich
Glinka Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatoire
Submitted: 22.01.2019
Abstract. The article attempts to analyse incantations (non-musical genres of traditional culture) with the use of modern studio hardware and software systems of audio editing, which allow considering the verbal segment as a sound multi-faceted information system. The technique of the comparison of the frequency characteristics of incantations melodic contour is stated. The author describes the principle of the occurrence of resonances by combining the timbre harmonics of human voice and acoustic environment. The principle of the detection of resonant frequencies and their influence on the object of the incantation are shown. The paper considers the interaction of the mid-frequency range of sound waves of acoustic environment and similar harmonics of the verbal part of the incantation.
Key words and phrases: фольклор, заговор, частотный спектр, звуковая волна, акустическое окружение, folklore, incantation, frequency spectrum, sound wave, acoustic environment
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