Sidorov Leonid Grigor’evich
Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University
Submitted: 15.02.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the philosophical problems of knowledge management in the context of post-non-classical rationality. It is noted that the innovative development of an organization as a complex man-sized system requires inspirational knowledge management. The role of values and ideals in the process of interaction between scientific and extra-scientific rationalities is determined. The author introduces the notion of projective rationality as trans-scientific rationality. It is concluded that in the context of post-non-classical rationality, a new type of rationality is formed. It is projective rationality, creating a synergetic effect, generating new knowledge and new practices.
Key words and phrases: управление знаниями, инновации, нравственные ценности, инспиративное управление, постнеклассическая рациональность, проективная рациональность
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