Shmelev Andrei Aleksandrovich
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Submitted: 22.01.2019
Abstract. The article studies possible options for N. V. Gogol’s filling the position of a teacher at the Department of General History at the Russian universities. The focus is on the writer’s correspondence with M. P. Pogodin, M. A. Maksimovich, A. S. Pushkin, and V. A. Zhukovsky. As a result, the author identifies three possible universities where N. V. Gogol could teach, namely Moscow University, Saint Petersburg University and University of St. Vladimir in Kiev. Particular emphasis is placed on the feedback on N. V. Gogol’s being an adjunct by the faculty and students of Saint Petersburg University.
Key words and phrases: Н. В. Гоголь, университет, Санкт-Петербургский университет, Киевский университет, Московский университет, профессор, студенчество, воспоминания, N. V. Gogol, university, Saint Petersburg University, Kiev University, Moscow University, professor, students, memoirs
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