Li Wanli
Transbaikal State University
Submitted: 18.12.2018
Abstract. The article reveals the meaning of the notion "emotional thinking" in relation to the ancient Chinese philosophy, analyses the main features of emotional thinking and its differences from other types of thinking. The humanism of the ancient Chinese philosophy was intertwined closely with the duties and responsibilities of a man subordinate to the society and the ruler. The author focuses on the analysis of the notions "unity of heaven and human", self-improvement, balance and comprehension of relations with the universe, which had a significant impact on the development of the ancient Chinese philosophy, Chinese culture and traditional Chinese thinking.
Key words and phrases: эмоциональное мышление, гуманизм, единство неба и человека, самосовершенствование, психологический опыт, оценочное познание, emotional thinking, humanism, unity of heaven and human, self-improvement, psychological experience, evaluative cognition
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