Krasnov Anton Sergeevich
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 21.01.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the ontological foundations of the existence of a thing itself and its socialized form of being - a commodity, through which a man’s essence is revealed. A person, being in co-existence with the world of things, is forced to comprehend this world not only in the reflexive and sensualistic dimension, but also in the metaphysical one. Commodities and things are intermediaries between a man and the world, but an important role is played by the link with the transcendent, extremely supersensitive dimension of human life, since giving symbolism to things and commodities underlies existential human need.
Key words and phrases: философия, онтология, экзистенциализм, товар, вещь, капитализм, метафизика, philosophy, ontology, existentialism, commodity, thing, capitalism, metaphysics
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