Kishkinova Evgeniya Mikhailovna, Limareva Yuliya Petrovna
Don State Technical University
Submitted: 02.11.2019
Abstract. The article examines furniture items of the Russian and neo-Russian styles stored in the funds of Rostov, Novocherkassk and Taganrog museums. The items, not numerous but typical of their time, clearly show the evolution of national style furniture from eclecticism to modernism. The comparative, stylistic and iconographic analysis of the construction and d?cor has allowed the researchers to suggest and justify attribution hypotheses, to clarify the dating and to ascertain the authorship of the analysed works.
Key words and phrases: русский стиль, мебель национального стиля, музеи Ростовской области, атрибуция, эклектика, модерн, Russian style, national style furniture, museums of Rostov region, attribution, eclecticism, modernism
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