Alekseeva Evdokiya Kimovna
Institute for the Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 30.10.2019
Abstract. The article considers the peculiarities of the northern poetry in the context of the interdisciplinary concept "geo-culture". This problem has not been previously investigated in the North studies, which conditions originality of the research. Special attention is paid to the category "geo-cultural space" in the northern poetry. The analysis of the poetical texts has allowed identifying stable geo-spatial images/archetypes of the northern peoples, which also serve as ethno-landscape markers. It is shown that the northern poetry, combining geo-conceptual systems, symbols, images and folkloric mythological motives, reveals the ethnic/ mental worldview of the northern Tungus and Yukaghirs. The author concludes that ethno-landscape markers can help to preserve ethnic and territorial identity of the northern peoples.
Key words and phrases: "образы территорий", северная поэзия, народы Севера, этноландшафтные маркеры, геокультурное пространство, этническая/ментальная картина мира, этническая и территориальная идентичность, "territory images", northern poetry, northern peoples, ethno-landscape markers, geo-cultural space, ethnic/mental worldview, ethnic and territorial identity
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