Dolgacheva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Kuznetsova Alina Vladimirovna, Sbitneva Lyudmila Vasil'evna
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 20.08.2019
Abstract. The article examines certain features of D. Scarlatti’s composer style, reveals the genre, style and form-generative peculiarities of his sonatas. The researchers’ attention is focused on such issues as the analysis of the harpsichord technique, revealing the basis of the sonata genre, interpretation of the sonata form. Scarlatti’s sonatas inspired the development of piano techniques. D. Scarlatti’s creative work is insufficiently investigated in modern musicology from the viewpoint of identifying the summarized knowledge, which can help a performer to develop a comprehensive conception of the composer’s style.
Key words and phrases: двухголосие, жанровое разнообразие, контрастные перемены, гармонический язык, классификация, старосонатная форма, two-voice texture, genre diversity, contrastive variations, harmonic language, classification, old sonata form
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