Kanareva Tat'yana Nikolaevna, Uranchimeg Dorzhsuren, Shishin Mikhail Yur'evich
I. I. Polzunov Altai State Technical University
Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 19.07.2019
Abstract. The article justifies the necessity to shift the focus from art historical studies to a deeper analysis of temple architecture. The iconological approach to studying semantic aspects of temple architecture is considered as the most promising one. Proceeding from the postulate that the temple is a reflection of the Universe in the religious picture of the world, the article reveals the metaphysical essence of the Mongolian Buddhist temple. Basing on the paradigm "Universe - temple - mandala", the authors justify the key importance of the semantic and metaphysical aspect while analysing temple architecture.
Key words and phrases: храмовая архитектура Монголии, метафизика храма, мандала, иконологический подход, пропорционирование в архитектуре, Mongolian temple architecture, metaphysics of temple, mandala, iconological approach, proportioning in architecture
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