Ryabtsev Sergei Viktorovich, Kirillov Pavel Evgen'evich
Dubna International University
Submitted: 09.08.2019
Abstract. The article analyses mythological time and space as factors of institutional form-generation and reproduction. It is shown that social myth ensures transitivity and expansion of institutional life forms, determines dynamics of the stable forms of social life actualizing the variability of temporal shifts. The paper identifies the role of mythological time and space while constructing actual social reality. The authors introduce a conception of a mythological meta-code, which binds together time and space into perceptual whole. The conclusion is made that conceptual-mythological space-time is a basic factor of reproduction and maintenance of institutional relations.
Key words and phrases: социальный миф, институт, перцептуальное время, концептуальное время, метакод, картина реальности, транспозитивность, структурация, непроективность, social myth, institution, perceptual time, conceptual time, meta-code, picture of reality, transpositivity, structuration, non-projectivity
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