Rudakova Irina Viktorovna
Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering
Submitted: 17.07.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the history of intelligentsia through the lenses of a written word. Typological features, peculiarities of formation and development, specificity of mentality and lifestyle of this social stratum are considered by means of its attitude to a written word, literature. The author concludes that at different stages of its development, intelligentsia perceived a written word in various ways: as a source of knowledge, sacral truth in the pre-revolutionary epoch, and as an instrument of struggle in the Soviet epoch. A special place in the formation of intelligentsia belongs to literature. In spite of evident differences between literary processes in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia, they are characterized by an important common feature - literature centricity.
Key words and phrases: интеллигенция, письменное слово, литература, социокультурный феномен, образ жизни, образ мысли, intelligentsia, written word, literature, sociocultural phenomenon, lifestyle, mentality
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